Thursday, September 3, 2009

Q: Who Were Your Heroes When You Were a Child?

Q: Who were your heroes when you were a child?

A: Dogs and horses. I wanted to be Lassie and always know my way home. I wanted to be loyal and smart--and classy--a collie or a palomino. I wanted to be a tough little terrier not afraid to bite the heels of ruffians. I wanted to be Black Beauty, rescued from hardship and maltreatment, turning out to be a real winner.

Film stars paled in comparison with the dogs and horses of my youth. Sure, I cut out photos of movie idols in Silver Screen. However, I was never certain whether I wanted to be Audie Murphy or to marry him. Although I had pictures of red-lipped women with perms and bosoms, it seemed more likely that I would turn into a dog than become Virginia Mayo or even Esther Williams.


  1. Do you remember Pier Angeli? I thought I looked like her. She left Hollywood and became a nun. No connection there. V.

  2. Although I would have made a good nun! V.

  3. Well, Mother Superior, maybe. (Then again, you would have made a good madam!)
