Monday, July 25, 2011

Rat's Country: Imagining a perfect morning

Imagining a Perfect Morning

It’s seven in the morning on a June day and I’m riding up the canyon, listening to Thorpe Creek chuckle.  I appreciate the fresh rustle of aspen,  different from the dry warning in October.  I feel the twinkle of sun and shade in the morning light.

I’m surrounded by a bouquet of scents—horse sweat, saddle leather, sage, and wild rose—and I feel beneath me the sensual movement of this mare as she makes a quick jump over the creek and then the lurch and jerk, while climbing  the rocky trail.  Her gait smoothes out as we wind around the hillside, the sun bearing down. The saddle creaks and she moves the curbed bit around in her mouth.
I’m not thinking about anything on this ride.  Nothing.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rat's Country: About muddle

"The one whose language is muddled cannot do it; only when the mind is clear can the language be noble."

WEn Fu, The Art of Writing

Well, it might be a cold day in hell when you begin unmuddled.  It's a process--the pond settles.  Finally you see through the turgidity and the pond becomes clear.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rat's Country: Writer's Block Before the Invention of Pencils

"Sometimes the words come easily; sometimes he sits in silence gnawing at his brush."

Wen Fu, The Art of Writing