Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Word Play: James Awakens in a Good Mood

James Awakens in a Good Mood

The callethump in James’ brain
rose and fell o’er his mental terrain.
Who was the bride?  Who was the groom?
Who was the clown with a red balloon?

Accustomed to eat his cereal
with thoughts sere and funereal,
why the epithalamium
in his venerable cranium?

Did he deserve unnerving joy?
Was he a lexographer’s toy
who could uncathect grumpiness
contemplating callethumpiness?


Monday, April 26, 2010

Rat's Country: Bad voice day

Bad voice day:  "You should not be doing anything that I haven't given you the permission to do or that I'm not in charge of."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Rat's Country: Don't leave unattended places in your house

Don’t leave unattended places in your house where messes can accumulate, fires start, mice nest, bugs congregate.