Saturday, February 28, 2009

These troubled times

I can understand why some people need trouble already to be there; at least you know it's not on its way.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ruminations in winter


Murderous Impulses

I know a field where a horse
 killed in anger lies  frozen
 in the snow.  I haven't seen 
the neighbor's dogs feast
 on the carcass,  but I know they do.

So much goes unnoticed  out here.
I like to think 
God watches everything.

Maybe so.
Maybe not.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Found Poem


Ruminants eat quickly...
storing masses of grass...
in the front chamber
 of the stomach.

They later regurgitate...
and chew it and chew it and
chew it again.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Monday, February 23, 2009


Cows are ruminants, aren't they?  Like a cow, I prefer chewing to swallowing.  To "chew on something" is to think about it, to ruminate.   And what about Rumi?  A poem is a rumination, if there is such a word.

So, to follow through with the metaphor, cud is the result of ruminating, right?