Monday, December 24, 2012

I (Heart) this Monday

...because it's Christmas Eve, because I am in snow country, because those dearest to me will be sleeping under one roof and beneath a Nevada sky.

Monday, December 17, 2012

I (Heart) Mondays because...

sometimes I stumble upon a brilliant quote and it's like finding an arrowhead in the dirt or a sand dollar at the beach.  That happened today:

"If it is really true... that what makes us human is above all our capacity to make history, and if history consists of actions that could not have been predicted be­forehand, then that would mean that the fundamental measure of our human­ity lies in what we cannot know about each other. To recognize another person as human would then be to recognize the limits of one's possible knowledge of them. Their humanity is inseparable from their capacity to surprise us."

                                                                David Graeber, Lost People